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Shoshone River Farm


Scott Richard established Shoshone River Farm in 2009, with the goal of growing a community around the farm. Scott calls his farm "bio-friendly" for now as he has not yet obtained organic certification.Explains Scott, "I am aiming for certification, but the farm soil used to be a dairy and it has very high salts. Many of these salts are going to leach out but will take time. I can't use animal manures directly until this is resolved. The soil is poor and requires large volumes of compost, mulch and nitrogen to create a micro-organism friendly environment.

Life in the soil the most important thing I need to grow and develop. Organic chemicals are the best option but they are expensive. I am developing the farm on a shoestring budget and I often have to use the least expensive option which is non-organic sources of nitrogen. I do not use herbicides or non-organic pesticides. Based on experience from 20 years as an organic gardener, I feel once I get the soil right, I won't have problems with insects or weeds."


Location: Cody, WY


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